Hello everybody!
What a funny and interesting experience surfing the net on You Tube! It was the first time I explored this tool and I realized that there are so many videos...It's incredible to think about how many people make videos of every kind and put them on the net!
Journalists often mention You Tube on television; it happens when there is a particular video. For example, I'm thinking about the frequent events of "bullismo" in the schools...And what about those guys who shooted themselves while they were driving at full speed?!!! In my opinion, journalists are making a terrible mistake; they inform us about the existence of such stupid and violent videos. In this way, many students could imitate what they see on tv...Don’t you think so??!
Furthermore, I think that You Tube can be very useful for our English language learning. Differently from podcasts, with You Tube we can watch the person who are speaking; in this way we don’t bore ourselves! For example, I found interesting to watch the news on BBC channel; moreover, I liked listening to music watching music videos as well! I watched “Message in a bottle” by Police...What a nice song! Then, I watched the video I suggested you; it is called “The best of Homer Jay Simpson”, I love it! It makes me laugh every time I see it... Thank you Homer! Ha ha :-)
In the end, I think that every kind of video, in which people speaks in English or American can be useful to improve our language. I’m referring to music videos or cartoons as well! Everytime, with those kind of videos you can learn new words; moreover, you can accustom to listen to speak people in a very fast way!
That’s all! See you tomorrow!
Hi Ele,
firts I should say that I love very much the picture you posted!
As far as the jounalists ad YiuTube are concerned I don't completely agree with you. I think that it's important that a journalist warns about violent videos which might be seen on YouTube so that parents can discuss with their children about it and try to persuade them to imitate such stupid examples.
As I already wrote in Cristina's comment, YouTube may sometimes become a dangerous and counterproductive tool exactly for the reason we just mentioned.
From the educational side I agree with you since YouTube can really be an effective tool to learn the English language, especially when it offers the chance to watch and listen to English native speakers videos.
Hi Ciarlèt,
I like your comment and the photo you posted as well. First of all I would point out the important role playing by the MEDIA which unfortunately sometimes affect too much our life or ideas…I mean…They are normally the first ones letting us know what happen in the world BUT I can’t understand why they are always giving us the bad and sad news. On the other side, Monica is right when says that journalists have to inform us how people exploit these tools for stupid purposes in order to avoid that behaviour. I would end up my comment stressing we need more useful news from Media…or we'll be behind with our knowledge and get even less confident with changes
Hi Elena!
I sometimes use YoyTube with my friends to discover funny or strange video, but I never used it as a learning tool. However I think that it can be useful, as you said, to listen and watching to English or American native speakers. As the topic is concerned, some video are more interesting and helpful than others. I found beautiful the video about Homer: I particularly liked the sketch in which Homer is in front of the doctor, that shows her certificates to him and Homer says to her “I don’t want to make a reading exercise!”. Funny! I like The Simpsons too, because I think they reflect the problems of families -naturally emphasizing them!- and they want to show that the dream of perfect family is simply an utopia. Are you agree?
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