Hi girls!
Well, I watched some videos about the political campaign in the United States and in Italy; I focused on the PD and Obama/Clinton. As far as concerning Clinton, I watched the video in which Hillary closes at the Presidential Debate in Texas; she was asked to describe the moment in her life when she was tested the most. She spoke about some survivors of the war in Iraq, who came back home without a leg or with their faces disfigured by fire; she said that her problems were nothing compared to what these people had experienced during the war. Then, she finished her speech saying that she was honored to be there with Barak Obama and whatever happens, they’re going to be fine; they had strong support from their families and their friends. I think that Hillary appears very self-confident, smiling, happy, friendly, kind, pragmatic and competent. It seems that she keeps the situation under control and she isn’t scared by her rival Obama at all.
Then, I watched Obama’s speech in San Antonio; his language seemed very influential and created a collective emotiveness. He said to give young people a reason to vote; to inspire a nation to come together; he repeated a lot of times the words: hope, nation, one people, safe, country, young men, dream, democracy. He made people believe in themselves ( “we were told that we were naïf, that we couldn’t change the world as it is, but then a few people stood up and said: yes we can”/ “…because of you, because of a movement you built, we can stand up and clearly say that we can write the next chapter in American story”); he made a lot of repetitions and rhetorical questions such as, “the world is watching what we do here, the world is paying attention to how we conduct ourselves; what we say? How it treats one another? What will they see? What will we tell them? What will we show them?”; in this way Obama excites the audience who answers with a great applause. Barak finished his speech with a very optimistic message: “United States of America is and always will be the last best hope on heart, we say, we hope, we believe, yes we can! Thank you San Antonio, God bless America. I appreciate.”. I think that with these words people came back home more serene, reassured and hopeful towards the future of America.
As far as concerning Veltroni, he reminded me Barak Obama…I mean, the way he talked to the audience, the rhetoric and the strong interest towards young people, were very similar to Obama’s way of speaking. Veltroni , as Obama, tried to make people believe in themselves and in politicians; he spoke about the renew of the Italian politics and trust towards the Country, which at the same time has to trust in its citizens. Furthermore, he focused on the development of the enterprise and the connection between work and enterprise.
Finally, I think these three politicians have an informal behavior towards the audience, they are very smiling, optimistic and rhetoric. What is more, they show themselves very self confident and they are sure of their future success. I noticed one difference in particular between American and Italian elections; in the former the audience seemed to be more motivated by the politicians, while in the latter it appeared more quiet... maybe Italian electors are more discouraged than Americans.
Ok, that's all! See you tomorrow!
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