Hi girls!
As far as people are concearned, I think that English host families and some guys I met during my Erasmus experience, played a big role in my PLE! I mean, I think that sometimes I learned more English speaking with my friends instead of going to school...Don’t you think so? They implicitly taught me English and that’s what I liked most !
Then, I grouped together the places where I learn English and the tools which I use to do it. Maybe, these two categories are a bit banal but they are necessary to build my map! In order to make it more personal, I wrote some examples after each source. In this way, I think the map is more realistic!
Well ,that’s all! Let’s have a look to my map!
See you!!
Elena Carlet's English learning
I'm terribly sorry for my spelling mistake in the map!!!! I wanted to write English learning!:-(